Springboard (n).

My online thesaurus says: 

Catalyst / Facilitator / Spur / Trigger / Foundation / Launch Pad. 

Here at Springboard Opera, we will go with Launch Pad.  

Because that is what we are about. 

I am Don Jameson & I am the chair of directors at Springboard Opera. The rest of the Springboard Team is Leslie Martin, Luisa Tarnawski, Gheorja Haidley & Scott Mullane. 

For now. 

But this is seriously not about a board of directors. 

Springboard seriously is about a Launch Pad for new and emerging Opera performers in fabulous Brisvegas, the emerging Heart of Arts in Australia – look out Sydney & Melbourne – we’re comin’ for you! 

Springboard seriously is about changing how we, the public, experience Opera… changing the opera idea! 

And because the five adventurers who make up Springboard love our (Queensland) Opera graduates, it was time to do something about it. 

But do it differently. 

Differently… top to bottom and inside to out. From the way that we engage with graduates, audiences and anyone else who loves what we do, to the way that we run a C21 sustainable arts organisation. 

This is Springboard Opera, and our words are… 

Supporting Emerging Artists; Transforming the Opera Idea. 

Cool - we think so, anyway. 

So… watch this space – there is lots of exciting stuff coming along in the next 12 months or so. 


  • Opera in unexpected places in surprising ways. Think bars & food trucks, opera flash mobs & festivals, secret places across our city that you have never been to. 

  • Opportunities for emerging artists in paid employment – now there is an unusual idea. 

  • Networking and building artistic profiles - audiences meeting the up-and-coming best & brightest. 

  • Conversations with movers and shakers in the commercial world – emerging performers making connections for the future. 

And that is just up to the end of 2024! We may even fit an opera in there somewhere. 

If you are an emerging Opera graduate, watch this space and get involved. 

If you are an Opera fan, watch this space for what we are up to and give our emerging artists your support in whatever way you can. 

If you actually know nothing about opera but possess a C21 curiousity about the world around you… come on down! Watch this space - you just never know where the adventure will lead. 

The Springboard launch pad has room for everyone. 

Because every one of us – artist or audience - has an artistic and musical journey, and the Springboard launch pad launches into all artistic adventures. 

And, because … there is no such thing as too much music and art in the world. 

Written by Don Jameson


Crafting a Future for Opera