Crafting a Future for Opera

As a young professional with a newfound appreciation for the opera, I've recently embarked on a journey to discover the enchanting world of this timeless art form.

Opera has long been associated with grandeur, tradition, and a certain air of exclusivity, which may have deterred younger generations from diving into its world. But we at Springboard Opera believe that it's high time to do things differently and make opera more accessible and appealing to a younger audience.

From what I’ve learnt so far, Opera has traditionally focused on historical and mythological stories, which, while captivating, can sometimes feel disconnected from modern life. To attract younger audiences, we will be incorporating more contemporary themes and stories that resonate with our generation. We will look to tackle current social issues and relatable human experiences, making opera more relevant and relatable to us all.

As we know, our generation are also pretty tech-savvy, having grown up in a digital world. So, Springboard Opera will be leveraging technology to ensure we create engaging performances that are more accessible and interactive.

I’ve also recently learnt that Opera has often been criticised for a lack of diversity in both its performers and creative teams. By promoting inclusivity and diversity in casting and production, we will ensure opera better reflects the multicultural and inclusive values of society today.

All in all, my learnings of this incredible artform, with its rich history and timeless beauty, reveal that it’s time opera embraced relevant themes, technology, diversity and inclusivity. It's time to break the stereotypes and let opera captivate the hearts of the new generation, preserving this magnificent art form for generations to come. Which is exactly what we aim to do with Springboard Opera.

Supporting emerging artists through paid opportunities in modern and innovative opera performances is not just a gesture of encouragement; it's an investment in the future of the art form. By offering a platform for young, talented performers and creators, we can foster a dynamic and evolving opera scene that connects with contemporary audiences.

These paid opportunities enable emerging artists to pursue their craft with dedication and passion, while simultaneously injecting fresh energy and creativity into an age-old tradition.

In doing so, we ensure that opera remains a living, breathing art form, capable of resonating with the ever-evolving cultural landscape, while providing essential support to the next generation of performers and visionaries.

Written by Gheorja Haidley


Springboard (n).