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Workshopping Your Career in Germany

Want real-world, current advice from a professional with over 30 years of experience performing in the German industry? Then this workshop is for you. Hosted by David Wakeham, you’ll spend a weekend learning exactly what it takes to create a successful career in Germany. From auditioning and self-promotion to repertoire choices, agents and more, this weekend-long workshop will help guide you on your pathway to an international career.

The workshop will include:

  • Meet and Greet with Performance by David

  • CV’s and Personal Presentation

  • Audition Preparation and Etiquette

  • Agents and PR

  • Language Requirements

  • Social Media and Recordings

  • The German Fach System

  • The Practicalities of Living in Germany as an Australian

  • Mock Performance Auditions with Feedback (piano accompaniment by Mark Connors)

For full details follow the link here.

21 January

Barefoot Opera

29 June

Fundraising Gala